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Choosing the Right Maths Tutor

Choosing the Right  Maths Tutor.

choosing the right math tutor

The Key of Success – Choosing the Right Math Tutor

Selecting The Right Online Maths Tutor:

Choosing the right maths Tutor: Find the perfect online maths tutor at Al-Saudia Virtual Academy. Benefit from our professional and experienced mathematics faculty for personalized guidance in maths.

How Al-Saudia Virtual Academy Can Help You with Professional Experienced Mathematics Faculty, We provide Pakistani well experienced highly qualified online Mathematics tutors for world wide.

When it comes to mastering mathematics, having a skilled tutor can make all the difference. In today’s digital age, online maths tutors have become increasingly popular for their convenience and accessibility.

However, not all online tutoring services are created equal. If you’re searching for the right online maths tutor, look no further than Al-Saudia Virtual Academy.

With a team of professional and experienced mathematics faculty, Al-Saudia Virtual Academy offers top-notch guidance to students seeking to excel in maths.

Individual Guidance from Expert Tutors

At Al-Saudia Virtual Academy, we understand that every student has unique learning needs and preferences. That’s why our online maths tutors provide personalized guidance tailored to each student’s requirements.

Our expert tutors have years of experience in teaching mathematics and possess in-depth knowledge of various mathematical concepts.

Whether you’re struggling with algebra, calculus, geometry, or any other mathematical topic, our tutors will provide clear explanations, offer helpful examples, and ensure that you grasp the underlying principles.

Adaptable Learning Experience for Your Convenience

Embracing the power of online education, Al-Saudia Virtual Academy provides an adaptable learning experience tailored to your convenience.

Our virtual maths tutoring sessions offer flexibility that fits seamlessly into your busy schedule. Say goodbye to the hassle of commuting and embrace the comfort of learning from your own home.

With our user-friendly online platform equipped with interactive tools and resources, you can embark on your mathematical journey with ease and convenience, unlocking your full potential.

Extensive Pool of Experienced Mathematics Faculty:

Al-Saudia Virtual Academy takes pride in its team of highly qualified and experienced mathematics faculty.

Our tutors undergo a rigorous selection process to ensure that they possess the necessary expertise to guide students effectively.

They are well-versed in various teaching methods and strategies, enabling them to adapt their approach to suit each student’s learning style.

With their passion for mathematics and dedication to helping students succeed, our tutors will inspire you to overcome challenges and develop a strong foundation in maths.

Continuous Progress Monitoring and Feedback:

To track your progress and ensure you’re on the right path, Al-Saudia Virtual Academy incorporates continuous progress monitoring and feedback mechanisms.

Our tutors regularly assess your understanding of mathematical concepts through quizzes, assignments, and tests.

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Achieve steady improvement in your mathematical skills by targeting weaknesses and strengthening your strengths through our personalized approach.

Pivotal Role of Mathematics Tutor

Selecting the right online maths tutor is pivotal for excelling in mathematics. At Al-Saudia Virtual Academy, our dedicated team of skilled mentors offers tailored support, flexibility, and continuous progress monitoring.

With our accessible virtual platform, you can access high-quality maths tutoring from anywhere in the world. Leave behind the intimidation of mathematics and join Al-Saudia Virtual Academy to embark on an inspiring journey towards mathematical excellence.

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Birkenhead Drill

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Birkenhead Drill: Get access to comprehensive English notes for XI year Karachi Board from experienced English professors at Birkenhead Online Tuition Pakistan. Our English notes cover all aspects of the English curriculum and provide a complete understanding of the subject.

Al-Saudia Virtual Academy is your go-to online tuition tutor provider for all subjects, including English. We have highly qualified tutors who specialize in English language, literature, and linguistics. Our tutors are experienced in delivering online tuition and will help you excel in English.

In addition to the paid notes and tuition services, we also offer free online English notes for XI year Karachi Board. These notes cover important topics such as “Birkenhead Drill” and “The Troop Ship Birkenhead.” We also provide essential resources like important questions and references to context, ensuring you have all the necessary tools for success.

Choose Pakistani English Tutors for your online English tuition needs. Our specialized professors are dedicated to providing high-quality education in English language, literature, and linguistics. With their expertise and our online platform, you can receive top-notch English tuition in the comfort of your own home.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your English skills. Join us at Online English Tutor Pakistan and experience the difference in your learning journey.



The Birkenhead was a troopship. It carried troops across the seas.

The Voyage:

In February 1851, more than a hundred years ago, it happened to be sailing to Cape Town in South Africa. It was carrying soldiers and their families on board.

The voyage had been uneventful so far;  the sea was calm as it was sound asleep.

The Passengers:

There were 630 passengers on the ship. Of these, 460 were soldiers and 170 were women and children.

The soldiers were young and inexperienced. So were the few officers. Needless to say, they were not used to facing dangers.

The Hidden Rock:

An unknown rock lay hidden under the sea, forty miles from Cape Town. It was like a wild creature of the ocean, lying in wait for its prey.

The Prey:

The prey was the troopship Birkenhead. It was approaching fast. It was quite unaware of its fate.

The collision:

At two O’clock, in the early morning of February 25th 1851, the Birkenhead struck the hidden rock. Ten minutes after, ship sank forthwith.

The other half, however, remained afloat, worst of all; only three of the several lifeboats were left in a useful condition.

The Passengers after the collision:

Awakened by the sudden crash, the unfortunate passengers ran out of their cabins and crawled to the deck of that half of the ship that was still afloat. For the time being at least they were safe.

Certain Death:

Almost all the passengers faced certain death. Only 180 people could find room in the three lifeboats, 60 in each. The rest had no chance of life. The treacherous waters would drown them or else the hungry sharks would devour them. There was every cause for panic, for life is sweet.


If there had been a panic on the Birkenhead, not one of the 630 people would have been saved.

All would have struggled to get into one of the lifeboats. Many would have been crushed under feet. Many would have been pushed into the sea.

Boats might have been overloaded and sunk. The strongest would have won their way to the boats. The weakest – woman and children, the old and the sick – would have been left to their fate.

Such things had happened before. But, strange to say, there was no panic on the Birkenhead. The troops showed remarkable discipline and great heroism.

Women and Children First:

“Women and children first’, was the order of the day. The soldiers and sailors stood on the deck in proper drill order, line upon line, rank by rank.

The boats were lowered. The women and children filled them. As they sailed away, the men calmly awaited their fate with set faces.

Discipline and Gallantry:

These brave souls set an example of discipline and gallantry. The heroic action of the commander of the troops can hardly meet a parallel anywhere.

He was hanging on to wreckage, saw two young sailors struggling in the water. And he pushed the wreckage towards them. The three hold on to it.

It was not strong enough for all three. So he let go his hold and himself chose to die.

One of the survivors reported that the determination of all hands was far more than could be effected by the best discipline. Everyone did as directed.

Everyone was loyal to himself and to his duty. And never was a word of hoard.

The meaning of the Birkenhead Drill:

Ever since Birkenhead Drill – Woman and Children First has been the order followed on all ships that are in danger. “Birkenhead Drill” mean today “to stand and be still’ facing certain death, so that weaker ones may have a chance of life.

Question and Answer:


Ans: The Birkenhead sank forty miles from Cape Town on 25th February 1851.


Ans: The Birkenhead was carrying soldiers and their families.


Ans: The Birkenhead was wrecked because it struck a rock hidden under the sea. The rock was hidden under the sea. It was unknown & undiscovered. It was not shown in the sea maps. So the crew of the ship was not to blame.


Ans: When the ship struck against the rock, most of the lifeboats were damaged or destroyed. Only three were in a useful condition. Each boat could carry just 60 passengers. So there was lifeboat accommodation for 180 people in all after the collision with the rock.


Ans: Yes, there was enough room in the lifeboats for all the women and children on board. The women and children were only 130 in number but there was lifeboat accommodation for 180.


Ans: If there had been a panic on the Birkenhead, not one of the 630 people would saved. All the passengers would have made wild efforts to get into the boats. Moreover, Men, Women and Children would have been crushed under feet. They would have pushed one another into the sea. Also, The boats might have been overloaded and sunk under the weight. Such things had happened in panic before. The same would have happened again.


Ans:The sailors showed perfect discipline and great heroism. They stood at attention as if a drill. With set faces, they awaited their fate calmly as the boats sailed away with the women and children.


Ans: Finally a rescue ship saved only a few of the men left on the sinking ship. They struggled to the surface of the sea and held on to pieces of wreckage. A rescue ship arrived on the scene and picked them up.


Ans: The commander of the ship acted with great heroism. He was hanging on to wreckage in the sea. He saw two young sailors struggling in the water for their lives, pushed the wreckage towards them.

All the three held on to it. Soon the commander realized that the wreckage was not strong enough for all three. So he let go his hold and himself chose to die.


Ans: No, the troops on board of the Birkenhead were unexperienced. They never faced these kind of danger. An officer of the troops reported that the troops behaved with gallantry and discipline unto the very last.

Notes written by Al-saudia Expert English Language Online Tutors in Karachi.

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Abu Bin Adhem

Abu Bin Adhem

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XI Year English Notes Karachi Board

Abu Bin Adhem

The poem commences with a scene where Abu bin Adhem awakens to find an angel in his room, meticulously recording names in a golden book. Intrigued and respectful, he inquires about the angel’s purpose. The angel reveals that he’s inscribing the names of those who love God.

Comprehensive 11th Class English Notes for Sindh Boards

At Al-Saudia Virtual Academy, we offer meticulously tailored English notes for 11th-grade students in Sindh. Our resources cover a wide range of essential topics, including the renowned ‘Abu Bin Adhem’ and reference to context.

Karachi Board 11th Class English Notes

Explore our free online English notes crafted specifically for Karachi Board students in the 11th grade. With a focus on critical subjects like ‘Abu Bin Adhem’ and reference to context, our notes provide invaluable guidance for mastering linguistic concepts and analyzing literary works. Elevate your English studies with Al-Saudia Virtual Academy.

Elevate Your 11th Class English Studies in Karachi

Al-Saudia Virtual Academy is committed to enhancing your learning experience with meticulously prepared English notes. Our goal is to support students on their educational journey and equip them with the necessary tools for academic excellence. Start your exploration of our free online English notes today to deepen your understanding of the subject.

Access Free Online English Notes for 11th Grade

Gain access to our thoughtfully tailored English notes, specially designed for 11th-grade students. These notes cover crucial topics, including ‘Abu Bin Adhem’ and reference to context. We understand the importance of thorough preparation, and our notes are your key to excelling in English studies.

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At Al-Saudia Virtual Academy, we take pride in our team of dedicated Pakistani English tutors. They are committed to providing excellent online English tuition, whether you need assistance with grammar, literature analysis, or any other aspect of English. Join ASVA today and benefit from the expertise of our experienced professors. Enhance your understanding, improve your grades, and achieve academic success with Al-Saudia Virtual Academy.

Abu Bin Adhem

Abu Bin Adhem

Explore ‘Abu Bin Adhem’ – A Poetic Gem

The Story of  A night

The renowned English poet James Henry Leigh Hunt penned the well-known poem titled “Abu Bin Adhem.” This poem narrates the tale of Abu bin Adhem, a devout Muslim exemplifying the core principles of spirituality and selflessness. Through its straightforward yet impactful storytelling, the poem delves into themes such as love, compassion, and the profound significance of human connections.

Golden Book

The poem commences with a scene where Abu bin Adhem awakens to find an angel in his room, meticulously recording names in a golden book. Intrigued and respectful, he inquires about the angel’s purpose. The angel reveals that he’s inscribing the names of those who love God.

Adhem Love His Fellow Men

Despite his initial disappointment, Abu bin Adhem remains undeterred. He humbly requests the angel to include his name in the list of those who love their fellow human beings. The angel agrees and writes his name as one who loves his fellow men.

Beautiful Turn

The poem’s narrative takes a beautiful turn as the angel returns to Abu bin Adhem’s room the following night. To Abu bin Adhem’s surprise, he discovers his name at the top of the list of those who love God. Overwhelmed with joy and deeply moved, he expresses his gratitude and recognizes the importance of loving one’s fellow beings.

Theme of The Poem

The central theme of ‘Abu bin Adhem’ underscores that genuine spirituality encompasses not just one’s connection with God but also compassion and love for humanity.
Abu bin Adhem’s character exemplifies selflessness and kindness, prioritizing love for fellow human beings over personal recognition. This demonstration highlights that acts of love and compassion towards others hold equal importance in God’s eyes.

The Importance of Humanity

Also, the poem highlights the significance of humility and selflessness. When Abu bin Adhem’s name isn’t on the list, he selflessly requests to be counted among those who love their fellow men. This humble and caring act ultimately elevates his spiritual status.

True Devotion and Love For God

Furthermore, the poem emphasizes the interconnectedness of humanity. Abu bin Adhem’s realization of the value of his relationships underscores the importance of human connection in our spiritual journey. His actions demonstrate that how we treat others reflects genuine devotion and love for God.


Moreover, ‘Abu bin Adhem’ is a beautiful and thought-provoking poem emphasizing the significance of love, compassion, and humility. Its central theme goes beyond religious rituals, highlighting our relationships with others. Through Abu bin Adhem’s character, it encourages us to prioritize human connections and recognize selflessness and love as integral to our spiritual growth.
Notes written by al-saudia Expert English Language Online Tutor in Karachi.