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My Bank Account

My Bank Account

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My Bank Account


Stephen Leacock, the author of“My Bank Account”, was a respectable University Teacher and highly successful with his writing and was a writer of great repute, he excelled in the art of humor.

My Bank Account, alive with delicate touches of the same, is an example of short story of rare charm and beauty.

The Story:

The Irresponsible fool:

As certain man was ever much too afraid to go into a bank and was afraid of the desk, the clerks and even the money.

So afraid he was indeed, that he became an irresponsible fool the moment he to do any business there.

The Raise in Salary:

None-the-less, when his salary was raised to fifty dollars a month, he made up his mind to put all his savings in a bank which he felt was the only safe place for it.

He goes to a bank:

He, therefore, walked into a bank. Needless to say his steps were unsteadily and he looked at the clerks in fear.

A silly Idea:

More ever, he had a silly idea that he must talk to the manager before he opened an account in the bank. He felt it was all too necessary.

The Accountant:

So he walked up to the accountant who was a tall, cool devil. In a voice, which sounded as if it came from the grave, he asked him, if he could see the manager ‘a lone’.

The Manager:

The accountant brought the manager.

A calm, serious man, he looked at the newcomer with some anxiety, for he thought he was detective with a terrible secret to tell or else a rich man with a large account to open.

To be sure, he took him into a private room and turned the key in the lock.

This made him worse so that he hardly found voice to speak. However, it was soon known that he was neither a detective nor a rich man.

The manager relieved but grew indifferent. In a cool cruel voice, he told him to go to the accountant. Nervous as never before, he walked into the big iron door of the safe.

The manager called him out and showed him the way.

The Account is opened: 

Back to the accountant, he threw the 56 dollars; he had pressed together in a ball in his pocket, at him with a quick sudden movement, asking him to place it in the bank.

At last the account was opened. All this had been too much for him. His face turned terribly pale.

His voice was hollow and shaking no longer himself, he felt the bank swing before his eyes.

Another Silly Idea:

Another silly idea, then, came into his mind. He wished to draw out six dollars for present use, and asked for a cheque. But instead of writing 6 dollars, he wrote 56 on it.

And the mischief was done. The people of the bank were surprised and stopped writing to look at him.

One of them asked if he would draw it all out again. Not before long, he realized his mistake. At his wit’s end to reason any more, he felt it was impossible to explain.

So he grew bold and careless in his misery declared that he wanted the whole thing back to the last cent.

The Account is closed:

Astonished, they paid back all the money in denomination indicated by the strange customer.

No sooner did he get the money, and then he rushed out of the bank.

A roar of laughter went the air as the big door swung behind him.

Savings in a Sock:

Since then he uses a bank no more. Instead, he keeps his money in his pocket and his savings in silver dollars in a sock.

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Science and Scientist

Science and Scientists

Science and Scientist is a important chapter of XI English Text Book for Karachi Board.

Reference to context:


‘Science and Scientists’ is a short essay. F. Sherwood Taylor writes it. It is taken from ‘The World of Science’.


The writer gives (a) definitions of Science and (b) the cause of the growth of Science.

Definition of Science:

Man in the Street: Definition of Science, Meaning of the word ‘Science’.

  • The man in the street (or the layman) knows the meaning of the word science fairly well. Of course, he knows it only in his own simple way. He thinks that:
  • Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology etc are definitely science.
  • Engineering of medicine may or may not be science and
  • Politics, History, Art, Religion etc are definitely not science.

This clearly shows that the ‘man in the street’ has a very vague idea about science. In fact, he does not know even its rudiments, much less its niceties.

A Scientist Definition of Science:

A scientist defines science as that which has the following characteristics in its outlook:


i.e. is an exact (or accurate) as possible.


i.e. has a methodical arrangement.

Sound Evidence: i.e. is based on and supported by solid proofs. It does not jump to conclusions (or draw hasty inference without waiting for necessary proofs).

Truth: i.e. aims at finding out only the truth and nothing at all being influenced by personal views – for or against or personal prejudices – likes or dislikes.

Anything, say a piece of work or a book which has these qualities is “Scientific’ otherwise it is ‘unscientific’. Needless to say, a science is so busy with his experiments that he has hardly any time for definitions.

Simple Definition of Science:

Simply stated, science is a big collection of (1) facts and (2) Laws, which explain the relationship between these facts.

The most essential characteristics of the Facts of Science and the laws of Science are that

(1) these are stated in a language, which has a quite clear meaning so that no doubts arise in the mind.

(2) Their truth can always be verified by scientific experiments.

Importance of the Definitions:

  • These definitions may not sound interesting. Never the less, they are quite important for they bring to light the essential factor that is responsible for the phenomenal progress of science.
  • That essential factor is the scientific attitude of mind.


Science made little progress so long as people had an unscientific attitude of mind i.e. people searched knowledge in a random careless way, readily believing what other said.

The statements were never put to test.

But science made astonishing progress when people acquired the scientific attitude of mind – i.e. people tested stated facts through experiments.

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Pakistan Zindabad


Pakistan Zindabad, the story of Pakistan is well written and included in XI years English book. the character of Quaid-e-Azam, his srtuggle, hardwork etc.

The Arrival:

It was the 7th of August 1947. A bright, silver aircraft landed at the airport of Mauripore in Karachi. A huge excited crowd was watching it.

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah came out of the plane. The crowd cried out with one voice “Pakistan Zindabad”.

Every man ran ahead to welcome him, to get close to him, or at least to see him clearly.

The Journey to the city:

He drove from the airport to the city. A great sea of people stretched all along the way.

They cheered, shouted and shed tears of joy. Never-ending cries of Pakistan Zindabad filled the air.

The people were beside themselves with joy and excitement.

But the Quaid-e-Azam was calm, serious and even severe.

Rejoicing and Riots:

Pakistan had come into existence. These were the firsts days in the life of the new country.

So the people were rejoicing but violent Hindu-Muslim riots started in India at the same time. Millions of people became homeless.

Thousands were being attacked and killed on the roads and railways as they tried to reach their new country.

Needless to say, Jinnah was sad. Sometimes, however, the stern Quaid-e-Azam did smile at the great joy and excitement of his people.

Satisfaction to Jinnah:

Mohammad Ali Jinnah was now tired and ill. But he was satisfied. He had won Pakistan.

He had won a homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent of India.

The Muslims of India:

Once the Muslims of the subcontinents had been a small defeated group.

They had little to hope for, had no country to call their own. They were in the empire of a foreign power, the British. And side by with the Muslims lived the Hindus.

They were an absolute permanent majority. They were different from the Muslims in every respect.

Once Jinnah said of the Hindus and the Muslims, “we are different creatures.

There is nothing in life that joins us together”. So he put forward his Two nations Theory. This, at last, gave birth to the Idea of Pakistan.

The Pakistan Resolution:

Choudhry Rahmat Ali was a Cambridge student. He fought for the Idea of Pakistan all his life, invented the name of Pakistan in 1933.

He writes, “Pakistan is both a Persian and an Urdu word”.

It is made up from letters taken from all our Indian and Asian homelands.

They are Punjab, Afghans (North-West Frontier Province), Kashmir, Iran, Sind (including Kutch and Kathiawar), Tukharistan, Afghanistan and Balouchistan.

The Meaning of Pakistan:

Pakistan means the land of the Paks-the spiritually pure and clean.

The struggle:


Jinnah told the Muslims league at Lahore, “Think a hundred times before you take the decision, but once the decision is taken, stand by it as one man”.

The Muslims did stand by the decision, so he declared. “No power on earth can prevent Pakistan.”

Field Work:

Then the Second World War broke out. The British Government in India also declared war against Hitler, The Indian National Congress was against India’s declaration of war.

They started the Quit India Movement. It was a mass civil disobedience plan, The British Government in India put the Congress leaders in prison.

Jinnah worked hard during this period. He won over almost all Muslims. traveled from place to place. He addressed huge meetings.

wrote to Muslims League workers in all parts of India. He started a newspaper. It was named “Dawn”.

The Muslims had no paper of their own. So they welcomed it.

The Dissenters:

However, all the Muslims were not with him. The Khakhsars accused him of being British agent.

They threatened to kill him. He even faced an assassian. A khaksar, named Rafiq Sabir, tried to kill him with a knife. Fortunately, he failed in his evil designs.

Gandhi-Jinnah Talks:

At last, Gandhi and Jinnah met for three weeks of talks.

It was a last attempt to reach an agreement. Gandhi believed in the one nation theory.

But Jinnah believed in the Two nations theory. Gandhi said that the two nations theory would ruin India.

Also the two differed in their views completely. Naturally, therefore, the talks failed.

The near Civil War:

he country was on the verge of a civil war. Muslims and Hindus were killing each other. Angry crowds were stealing and destroying property.

The government was divided and powerless. The people no longer wanted the British officers. So they were eager to leave the country.

The Transfer of Power:

At last, Britain decided to give full self government to India and leave the country by 15th August 1947.

Lord Mountbattan was sent as the last viceroy. He carried orders to transfer power to the Indians.

He decided to divide India into two States – Pakistan and India and hand over power to them.

The provinces claimed by Muslims were told to decide whether they wished to join Pakistan or India.

Congress and Muslims League both agreed to his plans.

The Creation of Pakistan:

Sind, the North-West Frontier Province, Balouchistan, West Punjab, Sylhet and East Bengal all voted for Pakistan.

This made a smaller state than the League had demanded. Yet most of the Indian Muslims now had a homeland of their own.

They had becomes the greatest of Muslims States. They had become the fifth largest nation in the world. Overnight, they had become a great nation with great Ideals and a great faith.

Jinnah’s conception of Pakistan:

1.Political Freedom:

Jinnah told the people, “you are free”. (political freedom)

2.Religious Freedom:

You are free to go to your Temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan.

You may belong to any religion or caste….”.(religious freedom)

3.Social Freedom:

We are all citizens and equal citizens of one state (social freedom).

In these words he had repeated the teaching of Prophet Mohammad that all men are equal in the eyes of God.

The creation of Pakistan was, indeed, a great victory for Jinnah.

The First Terrible Year:

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governor-General of Pakistan.

He led the people for about a year. It was a horrible period. Violent Hindu-Muslims riots took place after the partition of India.

Again angry crowd murdered and stole and burned. Millions of people become homeless.

They crossed the new borders for shelter. Half a million Muslims were killed or carried away as prisoners.

These painful events shocked the ‘cold’ Jinnah.He was moved to tears. He begged for peace and friendship with his former enemies.

Once he said, “some nations have killed millions of each other, and yet an enemy of today is a friend of tomorrow.”

The Tragedy of Kashmir:

The fate ofKashmir was a blow that shocked Jinnah deeply. The people of Kashmir are Muslims.

They wanted to belong to Pakistan. But the Hindu Maharaja joined India. Jinnah was now tired and weak. He could not fight any more.

The Last Days of Jinnah:

Jinnah was over seventy. He had struggled all his life. He was worn out.

His illness was growing worse. Soon he was a dying man once again. He flew to Karachi.

No crowds greeted him this time. His illness was a guarded secret, died that night.

He was buried in the heart of the city of his birth, Also was buried in the heart of the nation he had made.

Question and Answer


Ans: Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the first Governor General of Pakistan.


Ans: Lord Mountbatten was the Last Viceroy of India.


Ans: The ‘Pakistan Resolution’ was passed in Lahore in March 1940.


Ans: The Pakistan Resolution decided that an Independent Muslim state should be created in these parts of India where Muslims were in a majority such as East Bengal and the Northwest.


Ans: Sind, the North-West Frontier Province, Balouchistan, West Punjab, Sylhet and East Bengal voted for Pakistan.


Ans: Kashmir did not join Pakistan because the Hindu Maharaja joined Bharat.


Ans: The population of Pakistan was about 8 million when it became independent.


Ans: Pakistan is the fifth largest nation of the world in population; it is the biggest Muslim state.


Ans: The writer applies the word ‘Terrible’ to the first year of Pakistan’s history as an independent state because there was much violence in those days.

Millions of people crossed the borders of the new state. Muslims left India, Hindus left Pakistan.

Thus millions became homeless. Angry crowds murdered, stole and burned. Almost half of a millions Muslims were killed or carried away as prisoners.


Ans: The tomb of the Quaid-e-Azam is in the heart of the city of Karachi.



Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the originator & first Governer General of Pakistan.


He was a tall-dignified man and dressed himself faultlessly; a pure white sherwani was his favorite dress.


Usually calm, serious & severe, he rarely gave any sign of the feelings. In fact, the stern Jinnah was a very warm hearted man inside.

And he was a man of very strong feelings, too. He hated violence and cruelty. Moved to tears by the sight of homeless refugees, the “Cold” Jinnah begged for friendship and peace with the former enemies, some nations have killed millions of each other, and yet an enemy of today is a friend of tomorrow”.

Inspite of his fast failing health, he worked hard day and night, “I have work to do” he would always say when his doctors advised him to rest.

His firm stand by his decisions was his most outstanding quality, “Think a hundred times before you take the decision but once the decision is taken, stand by it as one man,” he advised the league at Lahore, accordingly, Needless to say, it was the force of his determination & leadership that turned the two Nations theory into a reality and the Independent Muslims state of Pakistan came into existence.

Religious Beliefs:

A Muslim first and last, he had firm faith in the teachings of the Prophet that all men are equal in the eyes of God.

His Conception of Pakistan:

His religious beliefs found strong expression in the political ideas. More than anything else, he believed in absolute freedom – political, religious and social.

These ideas from the basis of his conception of Pakistan which is best stated in his own words, “You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste… we are all citizens and equal citizens of one state.”


No wonder, therefore that the Muslims of Pakistan call him “the father of the Nations”. To this day he is buried in the heart of the Nation, he had made.


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